Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Not So Over Night Change

Hey there friends! I hope you are enjoying the workouts I am posting :) If any of you have questions or special requests please don't hesitate to ask! I want to do all that I can to help us on our journey towards being fit. Remember that your mind is your most powerful tool, you need to visualize the results you want and not become discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. It took me over a 1 year to shed 30lbs. There were definite ups and downs along the way, and I wasn't always diligent. But I know that we can do it if we keep going!

My change did not happen over night. I repeat, my change did not happen over night! I lost the first ten lbs very quickly, but then I felt like I plateaued and it took a couple months before I lost the next ten lbs. This last ten I lost has taken the longest. I would constantly fluctuate up and down 5 or so lbs and it was quite frustrating. Like I said, I wasn't always diligent, but now I have changed my mindset from "I need to lose weight" to "I want to be fit and healthy". With that change it is amazing to me how much more fun it is! It is still hard and it still takes constant effort, but I love it now and I love me.

So, I guess my advise to everyone is to change your focus. Change your focus from wanting to be like someone else and wanting to be the same size as someone else, to "I want to be the best me I can be." We are all different and we all have weights and sizes that are healthy for us, but the most important thing is whether or not you are trying. If you are trying everyday in some way to be healthier, then you are making progress! Please don't expect habits, size, and energy to change over night, because it won't! Change will happen, but it has to start with your attitude and your outlook. We can do this together, because we love ourselves and we know how important we are.

Me at 168lbs

Me at 133 lbs


  1. wow! You look great Ashley!!!

  2. You look awesome! Thank you for posting so many workouts. I am cancelling my gym membership and making a big step in doing my workouts at home. It will be a change for me but I am ready for it. I have been stuck at my plateau for so long and it is really frustrating.

    1. Thank you so much Michelle! You are so sweet and I really appreciate all your support. I have a couple new ones I'm working on that I will post in a couple days :) keep up the hard work! You're awesome

  3. You look amazing!! I'm going to have to use your tips after this baby gets here. I've got some lbs to shed!

    1. Thanks Shadow! Let me know if you have any questions or special requests :)

  4. Brown chicken brown cow!! Nice job Ashtastic! You have a funtastic blog!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Karlie! Let me know if you have any questions or if there is something you would like me to post about :) I am always up for suggestions.

  6. You inspire me girl!!! I love reading your fitness and health tips!! I would love your advice on healthy eating when there just isn't time to cook. Also do you add a lot of protein in your diet?

    1. Hey Ashley! Thank you so much for your support! I would say that I eat a good amount of protein but I don't go over the top with it. I generally eat a protein smoothie for breakfast and then have some sort of protein for lunch and dinner. Check out some of my recipes on the food tab to see some of the things I eat :) thanks!

  7. Dido, so proud of you! You look amazing :) Eating right and EXERCISE makes you feel good and look good. Fun fact: exercise is the only medication that doesn't have negative side effects (other than a little muscle soreness) and its usually more cost effective! Love it and you!

    1. Thanks Clarissa! I completely agree :) exercise is the best medicine. Love ya!
