Friday, August 15, 2014

Cardio and Legs

I got back on the bike today!! Yay! I have done it a couple times since being pregnant but I actually did a good workout on it today. It's a great bike and I am so glad we spent the money on it. Here is yesterday's workout that I did. I really had to force myself to workout because I waited clear until my husband was home to do it :) big mistake by me because then I just want to be with him instead. But I worked out anyway and I am so glad I did.
This workout is for me during pregnancy but just like ANY workout, it can be modified to fit your intensity level. If you are more advanced, add more reps and increase your speed.

Warm up for 5 minutes, by either walking or riding on the bike
Cardio: You can run or ride a bike here, I rode on my spin bike
Resting Interval 1:00 (you keep moving at a moderate pace, you don't actually REST)
Sprinting Interval 0:30 go fast and hard! Increase the tension on your bike and pedal hard (you can even stand on some parts)
Complete 12 to 15 rounds

After Riding the bike do the following leg workout (make sure you go deep!)
20 Walking Lunges (10 lunges each leg)
10 Plie Squats
10 Narrow Squats
Add some jump squats to keep the heart rate up if this isn't doing enough for you
Rest for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
Repeat 3 to 4 Rounds

*If you aren't tired and feel like you can do more, then do!! Remember, this is for me at 5 months pregnant :)
Stretch your legs and back really well. I usually hold each stretch for 30 seconds

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