Monday, February 10, 2014

Lets Get Toned!

Lets burn some fat and get toned in this workout! 

Please adjust reps to fit your current fitness level so you don't compromise the QUALITY  of the exercise.  I know I am repeating myself but QUALITY AND PROPER FORM are ESSENTIAL! If it is too easy, then use a heavier weight.

Warm up for about 3 min. Make sure you warm up those arms and legs.

Round 1:
15 (each leg) Walking Lunges (go deep but don't let the knee go over the ankle)
10 Medium Stance Squats
5-10 Jump Squats (go deep, jump high and land softly!)
Rest for 1 minutes
Repeat this round 3 times

Round 2: You can use kettle-bells or dumb-bells here
15 One arm rows (I recommend using 10-15lbs, but if that is too much then do less)
15 tricep extensions (keep that arm sturdy! I use 10 lb.)
15 bicep curls (keep your elbow still and at your side, do not swing your arm. This is to be a controlled movement, if your form lacks then stop at whatever number you're at)
Rest 1 minute
Repeat this round 3 times

Round 3:
Plank for 30-90 seconds (if you aren't tired then keep going! This is supposed to really push you!)
15 bridges slow and controlled, see this explanation for more details
30 to 45 SLOW  and CONTROLLED crunches. DO NOT use your neck to pull you up and make sure you pull those abs in by exhaling and contracting the abs.
Rest for 1 minute
Repeat this round 3 times

Now stretch really good and you are done! This is a great workout to use in-between cardio days. More like this to come soon!


  1. Thanks for the burpee pictures and this workout! I am printing it now so I have it when I go to the gym! You are the best, keep the awesome ideas coming!

  2. Hey Katy! Thank you for following my blog, I'll try to post some more workouts that are fun in the next couple days. Keep up the hard work!
