Monday, February 10, 2014

Are You Ready For This One?

Another Fat Burning Workout. This one might kick your butt, literally. 

I love this workout and find it a great way to tone the entire body. If you are unsure of how to do a workout, just google it for now. I will have pictures of me doing them soon, they just take time to do. Let me know if you have any questions though!

Round 1: 
Photo Credit:
10 Burpees (look at the picture to the right for reference on how to do it, you can omit pushups if it's too hard)
1 minute mountain climbers (keep that butt low, core tight and back straight)
Rest 1 minutes
Repeat 3 times

Round 2:
1 minute Jumping Jacks (land softly and give it a lot of effort!)
8 to 10 slow Push-ups
1 minute Air Punching (don't hyperextend elbow and keep the arms tight and punch vigorously while tightening core)
10 Front Arm Raises (each arm) with weight of your choice*
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 times

Round 3:
Wall-sits to failure (hold it as long as you can!)
30 to 40 second Star Jumps (google it. picture coming soon)
10 Lateral Arm Raises (each arm) with weight of your choice*
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 times

Stretch and the end! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I do!

*Note, lifting heavy weights won't make you bulky (unless you are eating ridiculous amounts of protein and taking supplements with hormones to be a body builder)! Using a "heavy" weight with PROPER FORM and SLOW CONTROLLED movements will make you TONED. Also, by adding fat burning exercise with the weight lifting you will be doubling your efforts towards a toned body. So don't be afraid to do more than 5 lbs. If you can do most of the reps with the heavier weight without compromising form then do it! This is the BEST way to get nice lean muscles. If the workout is too easy or not pushing you enough, then you need a heavier weight :)

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