Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ab Shredder

This quote is very true but a workout like this one helps a ton! If you are wanting the ultimate ab workout do the following 2 times a week in addition to your other full body/cardio workouts. It is also nice to add any of these exercises to your other routines. 

Get ready to make those abs burn! 

Hanging Knee/Leg Raises: 10-12 Reps, 3 Rounds 
If you have a pull-up bar this is a great lower abdominal and entire core workout. Hang from the pull-up bar and lift your knees at moderate pace towards your chest. If you are advanced, keep your legs straight and lift them up as far as you can go (should be about a 90 degree angle). Pause at the top then release slowly.
30 seconds to 1 minute
Repeat 3 rounds

Mason Twists: 30 Reps, 1-3 Rounds (if form is lacking then stop!) Use a kettle-bell, dumbbell or weighted ball here
To start, sit firmly on your rear, bend your knees and lift your feet a few inches off the floor. Lower your torso to a V position. It's important to keep your abs pulled in to maintain balance.
Twist your torso from side to side and tap the kettle-bell/dumbbell/ball to the floor on either side. Torso and legs are to stay in the V shape and don't slouch. Make sure you breathe!
 A rep consists of one twist to one side, for example, a twist to the left side.
(you can even use a can of soup or something weighted if you don't have ANY sort of weights)
30 seconds to 1 minute
Repeat 1-3 Rounds

Swiss Ball Jack-knives: 15/10/10 Reps, 2-3 Rounds
This one is tough and takes balance. You will need a stability ball.
Start in a push up position with the top of your feet (shoelaces) on the top of the stability ball, legs straight and extended. While keeping your upper body steady and contracting your abs, roll the ball towards your chest until your quads are perpendicular with your butt. Make sure your back stays flat and doesn't arch or round very much.
Roll the ball back out and repeat.
After doing the center reps follow them by pulling your quads diagonally towards the left elbow, then roll back out to starting position. Do the same thing but on the right side. Alternate sides and do 10 reps on each side.
30 seconds to 1 minute
Repeat for 2-3 rounds

Stability Ball Crunches: 15 reps. 3 rounds.
Position yourself so that your mid-back is on the stability ball. Keep your feet flat on the floor, hip distance or
slightly wider apart. Knees bent and core strong.
Contract abs, lift up into a crunch and exhale at the top.
Make sure to not pull on your neck or wobble around.
30 seconds to 1 minute
Repeat for 3 rounds

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Food For Skin

How Are You Treating Your Skin?

Skin is the first thing people see when they greet you. It is also one of the hardest things to keep healthy. There are many factors that can contribute to a persons skin health, but I feel like the NUMBER 1 contributor is diet. What we eat most definitely effects what our skin looks like. There are a number of different foods that are best for skin and an even bigger basket of foods that are bad for it. In this post I wanted to simply share some foods that promote healthy radiant skin. (not in any significant order).*

Sweet Potatoes: these yummy little roots are not just edible during Thanksgiving and Christmas time. In fact they are very versatile in the number of recipes you can incorporate them in. Not only are they delicious but they are full of phytochemicals, vitamin C, and beta carotene (which is converted to Vitamin A). Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, it promotes skin restoration and can even help prevent wrinkles. Also, an added bonus, they are great for the digestive tract. And a healthy digestive tract will promote healthy skin.

Blueberries: These delicious little berries are full of antioxidants that help protect against free radical damage. Not only are they sweet to the taste but they also contain vitamin C, manganese, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients. These are great to add to a smoothie in the morning or grab a handful for a snack throughout the day. 

Lemons: This citrusy fruit is packed full of Vitamin C and citric acid which play a major role in fighting against bacteria. A great way to add lemons to your diet is by drinking lemon juice with water first thing in the morning. It is a great detoxifier and will give you a fresh start to the day. It is also helpful to rub lemon juice on your face once in awhile to clean out those pores and promote healthy glowing skin. 

Turmeric Curcumin: This wonderful spice is often times used in curry dishes. It has been known for it's great health benefits for hundreds of years among the Ayurvedic medicine. It is a relative to ginger and contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. All of which are essential for healthy skin. You wouldn't usually associate acne with inflammation but the majority of the time that is exactly what it is. This spice can be used in soups and so many recipes. There are even a number of different turmeric supplements. I recommend this one if you want to take a capsule of it.

Carrots: Often times known for their wonderful benefits for eyes, carrots are a great food to eat in order to promote healthy skin. Like sweet potatoes, these orange vegetables are full of beta carotene, which help repair skin tissues and protect against the harmful rays from the sun. They are great for a snack between meals and a fabulous addition to salads and many other dishes.

Pumpkin Seeds: These tasty seeds are great for the skin because they are full of zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral to promote healthy skin. It not only helps maintain collagen but it also encourages skin renewal. Pumpkin seeds are also great for a snack and can be added to many recipes for great flavor. (make sure to watch out for ones that contain a lot of sodium though!)

*If you do find yourself having major problems with your skin I would recommend seeing a dermatologist and a GI doctor. There could be more going on there than meets the eye! Also, I would suggest staying away from processed food, sugar, chocolate, and greasy food. All of which can cause breakouts. (And we know they don't help with that six pack either!).  And a number one thing you can do is drink PLENTY of WATER.

*please also note I am not a nutritionist or an expert in this field or the field of exercise (yet, though I am working on it at school) so all of this is merely just advice and my own experience. I am not a doctor.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Are You Ready For This One?

Another Fat Burning Workout. This one might kick your butt, literally. 

I love this workout and find it a great way to tone the entire body. If you are unsure of how to do a workout, just google it for now. I will have pictures of me doing them soon, they just take time to do. Let me know if you have any questions though!

Round 1: 
Photo Credit: tbfn.info
10 Burpees (look at the picture to the right for reference on how to do it, you can omit pushups if it's too hard)
1 minute mountain climbers (keep that butt low, core tight and back straight)
Rest 1 minutes
Repeat 3 times

Round 2:
1 minute Jumping Jacks (land softly and give it a lot of effort!)
8 to 10 slow Push-ups
1 minute Air Punching (don't hyperextend elbow and keep the arms tight and punch vigorously while tightening core)
10 Front Arm Raises (each arm) with weight of your choice*
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 times

Round 3:
Wall-sits to failure (hold it as long as you can!)
30 to 40 second Star Jumps (google it. picture coming soon)
10 Lateral Arm Raises (each arm) with weight of your choice*
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 times

Stretch and the end! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I do!

*Note, lifting heavy weights won't make you bulky (unless you are eating ridiculous amounts of protein and taking supplements with hormones to be a body builder)! Using a "heavy" weight with PROPER FORM and SLOW CONTROLLED movements will make you TONED. Also, by adding fat burning exercise with the weight lifting you will be doubling your efforts towards a toned body. So don't be afraid to do more than 5 lbs. If you can do most of the reps with the heavier weight without compromising form then do it! This is the BEST way to get nice lean muscles. If the workout is too easy or not pushing you enough, then you need a heavier weight :)

Lets Get Toned!

Lets burn some fat and get toned in this workout! 

Please adjust reps to fit your current fitness level so you don't compromise the QUALITY  of the exercise.  I know I am repeating myself but QUALITY AND PROPER FORM are ESSENTIAL! If it is too easy, then use a heavier weight.

Warm up for about 3 min. Make sure you warm up those arms and legs.

Round 1:
15 (each leg) Walking Lunges (go deep but don't let the knee go over the ankle)
10 Medium Stance Squats
5-10 Jump Squats (go deep, jump high and land softly!)
Rest for 1 minutes
Repeat this round 3 times

Round 2: You can use kettle-bells or dumb-bells here
15 One arm rows (I recommend using 10-15lbs, but if that is too much then do less)
15 tricep extensions (keep that arm sturdy! I use 10 lb.)
15 bicep curls (keep your elbow still and at your side, do not swing your arm. This is to be a controlled movement, if your form lacks then stop at whatever number you're at)
Rest 1 minute
Repeat this round 3 times

Round 3:
Plank for 30-90 seconds (if you aren't tired then keep going! This is supposed to really push you!)
15 bridges slow and controlled, see this explanation for more details
30 to 45 SLOW  and CONTROLLED crunches. DO NOT use your neck to pull you up and make sure you pull those abs in by exhaling and contracting the abs.
Rest for 1 minute
Repeat this round 3 times

Now stretch really good and you are done! This is a great workout to use in-between cardio days. More like this to come soon!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Water Water Water

Water, Agua, Aqua, Tubig, Wasser, Eau, Vand, Vann, Vatten 水물水

Water is important, no matter how you may say or write it. And most of us don't drink nearly enough!
Water is essential for the body to function properly and actually makes up more than 75% of your body. Often times your body will be dehydrated or in need of water before you even have the "thirsty" sensation. We cannot survive with out it! 
Not only does our body run off water, but by drinking adequate amounts of water every day you will feel the many benefits. Some of which include; losing weight, having clear/radiant skin, feeling more energized, experiencing less hunger pangs, maintaining strong muscles and bones, and having healthy hair and nails (to name a few). Throughout the day you lose water through your breath, sweat, urine, and bowel movements. This water needs to be replaced in order to stay healthy. If not, then you could become dehydrated. If you do become dehydrated, the body will not have enough fluid to get blood to your organs, which is very dangerous! In other words water helps keep your entire system in balance! Get the picture? WATER IS ESSENTIAL. Are you drinking enough? It's time to evaluate your water intake.

So how much water are you supposed to drink?
There really isn't a set amount because everyone is different, but the Institute of Medicine advises that men and women try to consume 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water a day. Obviously you don't want to drink too
much, but that is hard to do if you are sipping it through out the day rather than gulping down a gallon all at once. I usually bring close to a gallon with me to work. If I don't have it sitting in front of me at my desk, then I generally will forget to drink it. 

"But when I drink more water I have to go to the restroom every 20 minutes..." 
Sound familiar?  Well, if you start drinking more water and notice that you have to go to the restroom more than is tolerable, then decrease the amount a little and keep it the same for 3 days. It takes about that long for your body to adjust to the new amount. After it adjusts some, add more, then do it again.  Also keep in mind that other fluids help with your water intake. Even eating raw fruits and vegetables is a great way to add more fluids into your diet. But remember that water is the best source for water ;) 
CHEERS! Now go drink some water!

Photo Credit: globalhealingcenter.com

Power Yoga Unplugged

Photo Credit: etsy.com
One of my Exercise Science teachers decided to surprise us with a 1 1/2 mile run out in the cold yesterday morning. It was to determine our aerobic health. If you know me, you know that I DO NOT enjoy running. Maybe it's because every time I do run, it is an assignment or punishment (maybe I need some positive reinforcement). Needless to say, it was cold and a bit miserable. Luckily I had my good friend Jordan running with me...he is a marine...and didn't break a sweat or breathe heavy. Nothing like that to make me feel like a wuss! ;) So even though it was supposed to be my "rest" day I decided to end the day with one of my favorite workouts...

Last night I went to Centered City Yoga in Salt Lake City with my beautiful friend Lizzie. It was so wonderful! My last time doing yoga was in December, so it was a great reunion. If you haven't tried yoga yet, DO IT! It's a great balance workout and is great at relieving neck and back pain. But don't be surprised if you're sore the first couple times :) it's still working your muscles. I also find it a great core strengthening workout. It releases stress and teaches you how to breathe. And....
Great news! If you've never been, most places are free your first time! :)