Friday, August 15, 2014

Cardio and Legs

I got back on the bike today!! Yay! I have done it a couple times since being pregnant but I actually did a good workout on it today. It's a great bike and I am so glad we spent the money on it. Here is yesterday's workout that I did. I really had to force myself to workout because I waited clear until my husband was home to do it :) big mistake by me because then I just want to be with him instead. But I worked out anyway and I am so glad I did.
This workout is for me during pregnancy but just like ANY workout, it can be modified to fit your intensity level. If you are more advanced, add more reps and increase your speed.

Warm up for 5 minutes, by either walking or riding on the bike
Cardio: You can run or ride a bike here, I rode on my spin bike
Resting Interval 1:00 (you keep moving at a moderate pace, you don't actually REST)
Sprinting Interval 0:30 go fast and hard! Increase the tension on your bike and pedal hard (you can even stand on some parts)
Complete 12 to 15 rounds

After Riding the bike do the following leg workout (make sure you go deep!)
20 Walking Lunges (10 lunges each leg)
10 Plie Squats
10 Narrow Squats
Add some jump squats to keep the heart rate up if this isn't doing enough for you
Rest for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
Repeat 3 to 4 Rounds

*If you aren't tired and feel like you can do more, then do!! Remember, this is for me at 5 months pregnant :)
Stretch your legs and back really well. I usually hold each stretch for 30 seconds

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Creamy Chicken Potato Soup (with veggies too)

Creamy Chicken Potato Soup*
I made this last night for dinner and my husband and I really enjoyed it! We both have had colds so I feel it was perfect for us. I made it dairy and gluten free but you don't have to. I would recommend using the unsweetened almond milk though to cut calories and fat. If you want to make it lower carb, substitute cauliflower instead of potatoes, one head of cauliflower should work.
2 large chicken breasts (cubed)
2 garlic cloves (pressed)
1/2 white onion (diced)
2 stalks of celery (diced really small)
4 to 5 medium carrots (chopped to 1/2 inch pieces)
5 medium sized yellow potatoes, leave peal for nutrients (cubed to 1 to 2 inch pieces)
1 to 2 cups frozen broccoli
Sea Salt (I didn't measure this so just put some in and add more if you need to)
1 tablespoon parsley
1 tablespoon Paprika
5 tablespoons flour ( I used brown rice flour)
2 Cups low sodium chicken broth
1 to 2 Cups  Unsweetened Almond milk (vanilla or original are fine), start out with one cup
1 Tablespoon of butter or oil of your choice (I use earth balance soy free, dairy free buttery spread)

Heat pot over medium heat, place butter, onion, garlic, parsley, paprika, salt, and chicken breasts in pan. Stir around and let cook for a few minutes. Add celery and let cook until chicken is almost done. In another pot (while chicken in cooking) bring water to boil (enough to cover potatoes and carrots). Cook potatoes and carrots until they are soft (but not falling apart). Scoop out about half the potatoes, drain water off, and place them in your blender, add half the almond milk and blend until smooth (but not pasty, and it's ok if some carrots get in there). Pour creamy potatoes, chicken broth and flour in pot with chicken. Stir really well. Scoop carrots out of pot when they are ready and place in chicken pot (it's ok if some water comes with). Add broccoli and stir. You may need to add more liquid depending on how thick you want it. I ended up adding about 1 cup or so of the water from the potato and carrot pot. Let cook until broccoli is done (making sure to stir so it doesn't scorch on bottom).
Eat and Enjoy!

*this is not necessarily low carb so limit how many carbs you eat the rest of the day so you aren't having a carb overload. It's not too bad though and the flavor is sooo good.

Recap and A Pregnancy Workout

Hello there everyone! How are things going?
I am so sorry I have been MIA for soooo long. I figured it was time that you all know what has been
5 Months Pregnant
going on with me.
First of all I am pregnant :) yay! We are very excited about this and are looking forward to meeting our little girl. I am just over 5 months now so it's cruising along.
Second of all, my first few months of pregnancy were really difficult. The first trimester (from about 6-14 weeks) I was so sick all the time I could barely do anything but lay in bed. This was really hard for me because I am a fairly active person and my body craves exercise. Anyway, I spent a couple weeks getting IV's 3 times a week because I couldn't keep anything down, I lost 20 lbs, and became pretty weak. But I am doing so much better now! It was a really hard couple months but I am grateful for this opportunity to be a mom. I am also grateful that I was in shape when I got pregnant. I feel like the muscle mass and strength that I built really benefitted me and the baby.
So, lesson from all of this? Nutrition and exercise BEFORE you get pregnant are SO important. My body went through quite an ordeal, but I am glad it started out strong.

I have to confess that most days are pretty difficult when it comes to working out. I'm not used to not being able to do as much.  I really have to take it slow. It is important when you are pregnant that your heart rate does rise too much and that you keep your breathing pretty steady, so I really have to focus and be careful. Then there's the fact that I don't have much energy these days (which makes sense seeing how my body is making another human being) so there are quite a few days where I just don't have it in me to workout.

Bottom line, pregnancy is hard, but being fit before hand REALLY helps.

I did want to share with you one workout that I have been doing that seems to keep my body in check and help my back not hurt as much. It is similar to other workouts I post but way less intense. If you want to ramp up the intensity all you need to do is add more reps and some burpees, mountain climbers, or squat jumps :) but for me it is good enough.

Modified Workout For Pregnancy
Super Set 1:
20 walking lunges (10 each leg)
20 Narrow stance squats (go low)
15 Plie Squats
Rest for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
Repeat 3 times

Super Set 2:
10 Bicep Curls
10 Tricep Extensions
5 Pushups (I struggle with these right now)
Rest for 1 to 1/2 minute
Repeat 3 Times

Super Set 3:
Side Planks 15 seconds each side
Middle Plank 30 Seconds
Wall sit 30 Seconds
Rest 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
Repeat 2 to 3 times

Stretch really well and there you go!!