Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Run Down...


I wanted to give you a quick run down on what exactly this blog is about. 

MY PASSION in life is HEALTH. I live for teaching people about being healthy and striving to be healthy myself. It is my hope that through reading this blog you will be inspired to be healthier and have some direction as to how that is possible.
When did my passion start? As some of you may know I have Celiac Disease (more about that later). This diagnoses lead me to my passion and has given me the desire to help people. Help them, and hopefully you, be aware of how much of their/your own health is in THEIR/YOUR hands. 

Health is not given by doctors or other people. They are here as guides. 
Health really only comes down to two things; you and environment. What do I mean when I say environment? I mean simply, genes, where you live, the unexpected and unpredictable ailments that come to everyone in this life. 
But between these two factors, YOU are the biggest contributor to your health. That is why it is YOUR health. I can give you advise, your doctors, friends, family members, newspapers, magazines, internet and TV can all give you advise and direction, but only YOU can make the changes. *

YOU must VISUALIZE the changes
YOU must get off your butt and EXERCISE AND BE ACTIVE
YOU must CHOOSE to not eat an entire bag of chips, or donuts or cookies etc
YOU have the CHOICE to eat healthy (no matter how much money and time you have or don't have)

So please stick around a while as I take you through my journey of a healthier me. And after you read  and hopefully learn a few things, please get up and DO something about it. Lets get FIT! :) 

*please also note I am not a nutritionist or an expert in this field or the field of exercise (yet, though I am working on it at school) so all of this is merely just advice and my own experience. I am not a doctor.

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