Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Plyometrics and Arms

Get ready to sweat!

**For any of the workouts that are new or that you don't know, just click on the word and it will send you to a picture or a video description.**

Round One:
Dumbbell Press 12-15 Reps
Close Grip Push-ups 5-10 (slow and controlled)
Skullcrushers 12-15 watch video here. You can use dumbbells or kettle bells and you can do them one at a time
Rest 30 seconds to 1 Minute

Round Two:
Lunge Jump 10-20 reps
Squats Jumps 5-10
Mountain Climbers 30 Seconds
Tuck Jumps 10-20 Reps watch video here.
Rest 30 seconds to 1 Minute

Round Three:
Bent Over Lateral Raise 10 Reps
Close Grip Chest Press 10-15 Reps
30 Seconds High Skips
Rest 30 seconds to 1 Minute

Repeat Entire Circuit 3-4 times

If you still have some juice in you after this one go over to my ab workout and complete that one :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

All About Those Legs

It's been kind of a crazy past couple days but I have been trying to still workout. Here is the one that I am going to do tonight when my husband gets home :) Good luck and let me know what you think!

Side-note: My little Charlotte has been eating like crazy the past couple days and I feel like I can't keep up! I am having to eat constantly. I try to eat healthy fats and lots of protein along with whole food carbs. It's just crazy. If any of you have some tips on how to keep up, let me know! Thanks:)

Today is all about those legs!! Get ready to feel the burn and make sure to keep good form. This is also a great workout to begin with 15-20 minutes of a HIIT workout by either running, biking, jump roping or using and elliptical (follow link to lean more about HIIT and why I do them). 

Round One:
Step Ups 15-20 each leg 
Side Step Squats 15-20 each side
Romanian Dead-lifts 15 reps (to learn how watch this video from bodybuilding.com) you can also use dumbbells or kettle bells or even start out with a broom if you are really new to them :)
Repeat 4 times

Round Two:
Reverse Lunge (to make it more difficult do it off a platform) 15-20 each leg
Plie Dumbbell Squat 20 (do a plie squat while holding a weight)
Ankle weight kickback 15-20 reps each side
kick backs
Jump Squats 5-10
Repeat 4 times

Don't forget to stretch and share this with your friends :)

Reverse Lunge