Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Total Body Fat Burner

I have to apologize for slacking on my posts the past couple weeks! It has just been super busy at work and school. But I have still been working out, I just haven't been posting them. This morning's workout was a tough one for me! I really enjoyed it though, and I am sure I will be sore tomorrow :). It is a great arm toning exercise to help get rid of the jiggle.

So, here is it! Make sure you warm up, especially if you're working out first thing in the morning.

high pulls with kettle bell
Set 1:
12 Kettlebell or Dumbbell high pulls (if using a dumbbell do each arm individually)
20 seconds jump squats (make sure to keep the core tight and land softly!)
25 Mason twists with a weight of some sort
Rest for 1 minute
Complete 3 rounds total

Set 2:
12 One-Arm rows (kettle bell or dumbbell)
1 minute Jumping Jacks
10-15 Bicep Curls (each arm, shoot for the higher number)
Rest for 1 minute
Complete 3 rounds total

Floor Press
Set 3:
15 One-Arm Floor Press (with weight of your choice)
30 seconds mountain climbers
Rest for 1 minute
Complete 3 rounds total

STRETCH! I usually spend about 8 minutes stretching but you need to do at least 5 minutes, making sure to get the major muscle groups (hamstrings, quads, low-back, shoulders, glutes)

I really enjoyed this workout! Please don't hesitate to ask me questions about this workout or any of the moves used in it. Thanks!

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