Thursday, March 27, 2014

Feel The Burn - Arms and Abs

Hey there! Sorry I haven't posted a workout for a while, I have been pretty busy with work and school. But I wanted to post this one today because it is one that I did and I love it :) It can be difficult  for beginners to do all the reps and get through the entire thing, but just REMEMBER you can adjust the reps/time/weight for ANY of these workouts. Have fun and focus on quality over quantity.

Warm up by doing some arm circles and a few jumping jacks and push-ups

Circuit 1:
20-30 Kettlebell swings (I used a 15lb kettle bell today)
45 Seconds High Knees
10 Slow push-ups (I did 5 regular and 5 knee push-ups)
Rest for 1 minute
Complete 3 rounds

Circuit 2:
15 Triceps Extensions with kettle bell or some other weight (I used a 10lb kettle bell)
1 minute Jumping Jacks
15 Bicep Curls (I used 10lbs here as well)
Rest 1 minute
Complete 4 rounds

Circuit 3:
15-20 Burpees (shoot for 20! but adjust as needed, I took out the push-up today because I already did so many)
8 Assisted slow Pull-ups, Substitute Exercise: 10 High Pulls with kettle bell, each arm
12 One Arm Rows (I used 15lbs here)
Rest for 1 minute
Complete 3 rounds

Circuit 4: Abs :)
15 Leg and Arm Raises with kettle bell (I used 10 lbs but don't use any if it's your first time)

    • Lie flat on the floor with arms and legs extended. While keeping your head on floor, simultaneously raise arms and legs toward each other, keep back flat and legs as straight as you can. Go back to starting position and repeat.
15 Pulse Ups
15 Bicycles
12 Side Lifts (each side)
15 Stability Ball Crunches
Rest 90 Seconds
Complete 3 Rounds

Photo Cred:
Pulse Ups

Photo Cred:
Side Lifts

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